Article link: https://cloudwoods1.substack.com/p/hu-xijin-is-dead

The Crimes of Banana Professors. Excerpt:

For years, even decades, the Chinese have patiently put up with you and your voodoo remedies for Chinese problems* you imported from America then introduced into China. Stop! Enough!

*Those problems are inequality, expropriation of wealth, rural land theft, capital flight, money laundering, tax evasion, and on and on and on. Before the reforms, China had none of the above. Zero! (See video for What’s wrong with Free Market Capitalism - as told by Americans. It reveals the list of crimes committed on the Chinese and the Chinese nation by the Banana Professors for what they had imported into the CPC government from the racist, genocidal American establishment.)

This cabal of Bananas know who they are, consorting with CIA’s National Endowment for Democracy, Asia Society, and the like of Hongkie real estate tycoons in Anglophile Ronnie Chan and the Li Ka-shing family.

If you don’t yet know where you stand, here below, to repeat, is a partial list. Check against your name. After that, be sure to also check if your American and British passports are renewed! Goodbye!

Huang Yiping 黄益平,

Tu Xinquan 屠新泉

Wang Huiyao 王辉耀 alias Henry Wang

Wu Jinglian 吴敬琏

Liu Junning 劉軍寧

Li Yinhe 李银河

Zhang Weiying 张维迎

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An interesting and complex article Fred. I learnt a new use of the term sequelae which I had only come across previously applied to the medical field rather than as a consequence of management policy.

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Sorry for the confusing word selection. I just directly translated that term from Chinese. I was trying to express the “leftover problem”

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Not confusing Fred but an opportunity to engage in intercultural communication with you. 质疑班主任 - 理解班主任.

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That’s a nice one🤣

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